The P.C.
As an avid collector and fanatic of Comic Books and Memorabilia, I decided to dedicate this entire section to my Personal Collection.
Get a glimpse below of what I collect and how I like to display my collection.
If you have any inquiries about anything you see on this page, please feel free to reach out, but also note that none of these items are for sale.
Dragon Ball
You may not know this, but Dragon Ball is legitimately in contention for my favorite franchise. I LOVE Dragon Ball. I started getting into it when I was about 11 years old and have never really stopped. I have collected the anime several times over, in multiple formats, and own the manga, as well as all of the guiebooks, in two languages, one of which I can neither speak nor read.
This collection consists of:
-Guide Books
Everyone's favorite Canadian certainly tops out my list of Comic Book related characters to collect. I mean, is there anyone more badass than Wolverine? That's right. There isn't! So why try to fight it?
This collection consists of:
-Single Issues (Raw)
-Single Issues (Graded)
-Original Art
-Original Art Prints
-Collected Editions
-Action Figures
-Trading Cards
When thinking about being an X-Men fan in the 90's the phrase "right place, right time" certainly comes to mind. Between the Animated Series, the toys and the comics, my childhood was synonymous with the X-Men and it's something that I've carried with me into adulthood.
This collection consists of:
-Single Issues (Raw)
-Single Issues (Graded)
-Original Art Prints
-Trading Cards
I won't lie, I didn't appreciate Daredevil enough when I was a kid, but then again, most of his most famous runs are more mature, so maybe that's the way it's meant to be. Regardless, Daredevil has worked his way into my favorite characters to collect, most notably because of the work Frank Miller did on this title. Arguably, the greatest run in Comic Book History.
This collection consists of:
-Single Issues (Raw)
-Single Issues (Graded)
-Collected Editions
-Original Art Prints
-Action Figures
View CollectionTurtles
View CollectionBatman
View CollectionPunisher
As far as favorite Comic Book Artists, Mike Zeck may be my favorite, and what is Mike Zeck's best work? You better believe it's The Punisher Mini-Series. Beyond that, some excellent work on The Punisher War Journal title by Jim Lee is a HUGE draw.
This collection consists of:
-Single Issues (Raw)
-Single Issues (Graded)
-Collected Editions
-Original Art Prints
View CollectionPosters
View CollectionKombat
As far as Video Game franchises, Mortal Kombat stands far above the rest for me. There is something so captivating about the original trilogy.
This collection consists of:
-Arcade Kabinet